Why do the employers always treat employees like a child?
What do I mean? - I mean they will be very "concern" about you...
- Are u coming to work?
- What time u coming to work?
- Where r u?
- What r u doing?
I am one of them that was being treated like a child. These are the questions my branch manager kept asking me.
Sigh - I am an adult not a child, moreover I am in biz development - I have to go out!!
What is wrong with all these ppl? Or that is the way Indian treats their employees? Maybe more from Indian but most of the employers do behave like that - one way or the other. Come on, I am sure u guys will agree with me.
I have becoming more and more appreciative of the concept put together by
Ricardo Semler in his book called
Maverick. A fantastic book that gave me an eye opener of what we could achieve!
He talks about treating each employee as an adult - he promotes industrial democracy. Yes that is the word.
His "survival manual" consist of only 17 pages of survival "rules" in Semco (his company). Instead of using 200 pages of employee handbook that nobody read, he wrote something really interesting. He used cartoon and very little word to elaborate. Check out on the book and u will know what I mean.
I have introduced this book to my boss, I hope he reads it and that could change his mind set about employees.