Thursday, July 5, 2007

Running Out

When u r far away at a country like India, u have to - I mean u have to stock-up on your favorite cosmetics brand! That would be my advice.

My favorite cosmetics are running low.. and out soon.
I thought I have been smart enough to stock-up enough before I leave M'sia & HKG, but I was wrong!!

There are international brands available here - like Lancome, Clarins, H2O etc....
Reasons I don't want to buy the cosmetics in India?
1) There are way wayyyyy too expensive - (fxxk why the hell government taxed so much for imported goods?)
2) I am using Herbaline - wish to continue to use it, but will only substitute it for something that is not so ex. :p at least not the Indian price.
3) then I am leave to no choice, but local brands - shhhhh - maybe other time

In view of that "critical situation" of my cosmetics supply, I will have to stock-up from overseas. What to do when u r far away?
1) Ask your beloved mummy to send to u - hihi
2) Or travel overseas to get it yourselves

I have decided to travel myself. I will be going to Australia sometime in July/ Aug - yeah!!
Apart from my no.1 mission (cosmetics stock-up) I also need to do some shopping. India - nothing interesting about shopping. Been spending weeks looking around for some interesting shops - then I realized how I miss M'sia & Hong Kong.
Looking forward to my get away.

For those of you who are curious about India's life - do come and visit me some day. I have nothing to show u - but u will see....

1 comment:

Oh Oh Oh said...

Thank u. Really never thought anyone will read my blog. Have stopped writing it for awhile now. Thanks for your comment, maybe I should write "something" :)