Thursday, August 23, 2007

I am back!!

Just came back from an excellent trip. It was great!
A little bit of site seeing, lots of beers and drinks, lots of food, lots of shopping... Wah! what more would u ask for?

Not only packed and back to India, but also "packed" my holiday mood and back to work.
For me is a whole new beginning again. Wonder why good times always seems to pass so quickly, while working is the other way round.

It would be good to take a long backpacking holiday in Aus again. Maybe six months in a caravan with some friends... that would be excellent.

Anyway some pics below - Guess which one was when I first arrived and which was after two weeks? Come on u can tell - the better-fed-face would be after two weeks of good food. :) hihi
"Don't worry about the weight - "India" will take care of it" That's what I told myself to make me feel better. :p
Also the photo taken on my bd - :) All that u see are my presents - not bad at all.

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