Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati, is widely worshipped as the supreme god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. For the knowledge of my dear far away friends - Lord Ganesha look like this:

Anyway if u want to know more about this festival - Ganesha Festival , check out on the wikipedia (my favourite encyclopedia on the internet)
It's quite an important festival of the year here. It was started on 15th Sep, Saturday last week. Today is the 5th day of the celebration. I guess there must be some sort of celebration on the 5th days?? (need to clarify that with my colleagues) But today lots of ppl came out to the streets, singing and dancing, music is very loud at my background now (if u can hear).
As u can imagine, normal day in Mumbai (or the whole India) has already created tremendous traffics on the road during peak period. Today it's worst. Traffic police blocked some streets for public celebrations, stages were built for singing and dancing crowds. And of course lots of Ganesha stature were seen everywhere on the road.
Yes it has created an "inconvenient" for me - traffic jam x 100 times more!!
But there is one good thing - coming Tuesday - 25th Sep - is a public holiday. Yeah!!
Why holiday? Because worshipper will all gather around and "send" Lord Ganesha "back" to the nature (means lakes, rivers or sea). It also means - perhaps 1 billion Indians would be on the streets on Tuesday. Hence that would be impossible to go to work.
Give me an excuse to stay at home and rest. :) Good good Ganesha
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